MEDIJobs – Improving the hiring process in the medical sector

This is the story of how we helped the MEDIJobs team to go from identifying the main challenge of their platform to having a tested and validated solution for streamlining the interaction between candidates and medical practices.
Health Care
2 weeks
Services we provided
Discovery workshop
UX Design
User Testing
MEDIJobs main image

About MEDIJobs

MEDIJobs is a career marketplace for healthcare professionals that provides fast access to relevant candidates for medical practices in Romania and the US.

The challenge

During our Discovery workshop with the MEDIJobs team, we uncovered a critical pain point in the current user flow that was putting a lot of pressure on the support team, and the company was losing revenue because of it – scheduling interviews between candidates and medical practices.


  1. Improved user flow for scheduling calls between candidates and medical practices, increasing user satisfaction with the product.
  2. Reduced load on the support team while guiding the customers through the hiring process.
  3. The proposed solution aims to increase the revenue generated through the platform.

“The way candidates and medical practices manage to schedule interviews needed to be fixed ASAP since it was the major point in our application.
This project had a major impact on our product roadmap and business overall. ”

Catrinel Hagivreta
Catrinel Hagivreta
Co-Founder & CEO @ MEDIJobs
medijobs medical personnelmedijobs preview

The full story


During the pandemic in 2020, the platform saw a 227% increase in hiring needs. Having the right people with the proper set of skills who can immediately start work and help patients became an urgent matter. MEDIJobs' main goal was to fill this gap and become the go-to platform for medical clinics and professionals when hiring.

But for this to happen, they knew that more work had to be done to ensure the platform efficiently solves their customers' needs.

The solution

Our collaboration with the MEDIJobs team started with a Discovery workshop to understand the context and identify the main pain points, with insights from MEDIjobs' founders. The next step was to design solutions for the critical challenge we discovered and validate them with customers.

During this stage, we worked closely with the Founders, Product Marketing Manager, Sales Manager, and Senior recruiter.

Research and strategy

Every solution starts with a proper understanding of the product and business context. That's the exact scope of our UX Discovery Workshop.We started the workshop with the founders by covering the critical aspects of the business – the product, the problems it solves, the main stakeholders, and the value created for its customers.

The next step was to map out the competitors, define the primary user persona, and create the Customer Journey Map to understand how customers interact with the platform.

That's how we uncovered the main challenge that should be tackled: scheduling interviews between candidates and medical practices.

Research and strategy – outcomes

  1. A clearly defined list of competitors, User Persona, and Customer Journey Map.
  2. An overview of how customers use the platform and their main challenges.
  3. A clear understanding of the main challenge – scheduling interviews between candidates and medical practices.
Medijobs UX Discovery workshop asset 1
MEDIJobs Customer Journey Map

Create and test solutions

To understand all aspects of our challenge, the founders and existing customers walked us through the recruiting process and the current platform.

The discussion provided numerous insights and helped the team align on the challenge and break some initial biases, like that most customers still don't use a digital calendar for their job.

With all this information, it was a great time to define a long-term vision and uncover the challenges that might occur along the way:

  • Can we make communication easier between the candidates and the employer?
  • Can we build a platform that makes almost all the actions a user can take automated/done by them?
  • Can we create an "addictive" experience for our users so they keep coming back?

Before generating solutions, we researched and collected insightful examples for our challenge.

medijobs ux workshop screenshotmedijobs ux workshop assets

Having all these insights and information, each team member sketched their idea for a possible solution.

We used these as a starting point to define the prototype we tested with customers.

medijobs solution sketch

Test with target customers

For the most exciting part of our collaboration, we tested our solution with 5 of MEDIJobs' customers.

These gave us clarity on things that worked:

  • People wanted to sync their calendars with the platform
  • The chat feature got positive feedback
  • The option to add a new interview after the first one got positive feedback as well
  • The feedback on the flow was positive

But also uncovered several aspects that should be improved:

  • Some labels were not explicit enough or even confusing
  • Some customers prefer a monthly availability option instead of just a general one
  • The Dashboard wasn't used as intended
medijobs prototype

Customers said things like:

  • "It's way better, more intuitive than what is right now."
  • "I really like this option to add another interview. I don't have to call you anymore."

Create and test solutions – outcomes

  1. Tested and validated the solution for scheduling interview candidates.
  2. Alignment between the MEDIJobs team members about the target customers, challenges, solutions used, and future goals.
medijobs ux design assets

Feedback from the team

  • "I liked that we uncovered a lot of ideas and voted on the ones we considered the best."
  • "I loved how we worked together, with ideas coming from unlikely sources. Very intense and tiring in parts, but with good reason."
  • "I liked the wireframe exercise. I think this particular exercise helped everyone visualize better what needs to be done. Overall, the workshop was efficient."

Want to learn more?

If you want to learn about all the details, check out the full blog post.

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